Today's Weather

Current weather for Dorrington, CA | Elevation: 5100 ft | Latitude: 38° 17' 14" N | Longitude: 120° 17' 04" W
Last updated 10/22/24 1:52a (Pacific)

Condition Current Today's Highs Today's Lows
Outdoor Temperature 52.3°F 53.0°F 12:00a 52.3°F 1:47a
Outdoor Humidity 34% 34% 1:17a 31% 12:00a
Barometer 30.087in Steady 30.089in 1:50a 30.066in 12:08a

Indoor Temperature 61.0°F 61.2°F 12:02a 61.0°F 1:13a
Indoor Humidity 30% 30% 12:00a 30% 12:00a

Wind Value
Current Speed 0.0mph
Direction SW 236°
Speed (10min avg) 0.0mph
High Wind Speed 1.0mph 12:01a
Wind Chill 52.3°F

Rain Value
Today's Rain 0.00in
Rain Rate 0.00in/hr
High Rain Rate 0.00in/hr ----
Storm Rain 0.00in
Monthly Rain 0.43in
Yearly Rain 0.43in since Oct 1

Sun Moon
Sunrise 7:16am Moonrise 10:34pm (10/22)
Sunset 6:14pm Moonset 1:28pm (10/22)
Duration 10:58 Phase Waning Gibbous

Current Graphs

Driveway View

Chimney View

Front View

Highway 4 Status

Data provided by the Department of Transportation
