Weather Graphs

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Highs and Lows

History for Dorrington, CA | Elevation: 5100 ft | Latitude: 38° 17' 14" N | Longitude: 120° 17' 04" W
High/Low tables last updated 03/11/25 11:57p

Outdoor Daily 03/11/25 Monthly Yearly
Value Time
High Temperature 53.7°F 12:30p 64.7°F 68.1°F
Low Temperature 38.8°F 11:55p 25.9°F 25.0°F
High Humidity 85% 11:42p 95% 96%
Low Humdity 37% 10:58a 17% 8%
High Dewpoint 35.0°F 1:02p 42.0°F 48.0°F
Low Dewpoint 19.0°F 7:07a 7.0°F -13.0°F
High Heat Index 52.0°F 11:41a 60.0°F 64.0°F
Low Wind Chill 39.0°F 10:42p 25.0°F 25.0°F
High Barometer 29.849in 12:01a 30.369in 30.559in
Low Barometer 29.754in 6:06a 29.754in 29.587in
High Wind Speed 9.0mph 1:16p 11.0mph 30.0mph
Rain Total 0.00in ---- 1.10in 28.07in
High Rain Rate 0.00in/hr ---- 0.25in/hr 2.08in/hr

Indoor Daily 03/11/25 Monthly Yearly
Value Time
High Temperature 52.0°F 7:10p 69.0°F 69.9°F
Low Temperature 50.6°F 7:27a 48.5°F 42.1°F
High Humidity 39% 10:20p 39% 46%
Low Humdity 37% 3:06a 34% 34%

NOAA-style Reports

About This Weather Station

Weather data is collected from a Davis Instruments Vantage Vue weather station and a server running WeatherLinkIP software. The exterior wireless sensor suite measures temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction. The interior console measures barometric pressure as well as indoor temperature and humidity. This station was established on July 6, 2012 in Dorrington, CA within Big Trees Village adjacent to Calaveras Big Trees State Park. In addition to uploading weather information directly to this website, the station also sends data to Davis WeatherLink 2.0, Weather Underground, Citizen's Weather Observer Program, and Weathercloud sites.

From 2001 through April 2012, weather data was collected from a Radio Shack WX200 weather station running wx200d software. This station was retired in April 2012. Old historical graphs from this station are available here.